RESTful Web Services with Scala download
Par demery madeline le lundi, mars 14 2016, 01:57 - Lien permanent
RESTful Web Services with Scala. Jos Dirksen
ISBN: 9781785289408 | 168 pages | 5 Mb

RESTful Web Services with Scala Jos Dirksen
Publisher: Packt Publishing, Limited
Socko - An embedded Scala web server powered by Netty scala libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka. Already have Option 2: Download the simple-rest-scala project as a zip archive. 'Hi all, At this meetup, I will give an introduction on how to build REST services using the Spray toolkit. I'd like to use Spec2 and Scala to test a REST service that was build using Java. Minimum Required Skills: Scala, restful web services, Akka, Play, MySQL, Java Exciting opportunity in Mountain View. Option 1: Choose simple-rest-scala in the Typesafe Activator UI. Play Framework for Scala - RESTful Web Service [closed]. I am looking for input on which route to take to build a rest service system from scratch in web app but returning e.g. Thank you for your interest in the Scala Engineer - Scala, RESTful, NoSQL position. Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service · 2421. When you create a module for developing a RESTful WebService, you can have sample code of the server side generated. Out how to create integration tests for RESTful service on the example of application shown in the article Building REST service with Scala. A suite of scala libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka: lightweight, asynchronous, non-blocking, actor-based, testable.
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